Статьи и полезные ссылки об Исламских Финансах

Топ 10 книг по исламским финансам

  1. "Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice" - Замир Икбал и Аббас Миракхор.
  2. "Islamic Finance: Principles and Practice" - Валерио Мини.
  3. "Islamic Banking and Finance: Principles, Instruments and Operations" - Мухаммад Эль-Гами.
  4. "Islamic Capital Markets: Products and Strategies" - Мухаммад Эль-Гами.
  5. "Islamic Finance: A Practical Perspective" - Мухаммад Тауфик Аль-Саттар.
  6. "Islamic Finance: Law, Economics, and Practice" - Mahmoud A. El-Gamal.
  7. "Islamic Banking: Growth, Stability, and Inclusion" - Brian Kettell.
  8. "Understanding Islamic Finance" - Muhammad Ayub.
  9. "Islamic Finance and Economic Development: Risk, Regulation, and Corporate Governance" - Amr Mohamed El Tiby Ahmed.
  10. "Islamic Finance: The New Regulatory Challenge" - Simon Archer и Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim.